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Your Gooch Ball Package Includes:


Pelvic floor health is a KEY secret!


Get back to the life you deserve!


You can have it all!


End the dribbles and empty completely!


Get back to enjoying the activities you love!


Gain yardage back on your golf drives!


Regain range of motion and flexibility!


Rebuilding support from the inside out!

The Goochball Science with

Jana Danielson

Inventor: Cooch & Gooch Balls
Founder: Lead Pilates & Lead Integrated Health Therapies
Founder: Metta Disctrict Online Studio
Video 01: Goochball Testimonials
Video 02: Goochball Science
Video 03: Why Use The Goochball
(Scroll down for videos)

“Our pelvic floor is a group of muscles. Just like other muscles in our body, they need to know how to rest and how to work. Because we can’t actually ‘see’ our pelvic floor muscles, we often forget they exist until they start to not work properly.”

Click below to view the scientific studies that inspired the gooch ball invention.

“Would you invest 3 minutes a day to improve the function of a special group of muscles in your body that would enhance your sensual pleasure and at the same time increase your personal confidence??”
~Jana Danielson

Amazing Goochball Results..

I started a routine at bedtime with the Gooch Ball and have consistently kept up with it. The biggest thing I have noticed is how much less bloated I feel and how regular I now am. I have also slept better and felt more relaxed before going to bed each night. Even if you don’t think you have time for this you probably do as most of us are on our phones before bed, so get efficient and Get on the Ball!
Andrew W
Using the Gooch Ball I find I can go to sleep faster as I’m more relaxed. I also have more mobility. As a guy, I’ve also noticed that most “mornings” I have more “blood flow” since using the Gooch Ball. I feel like I’m 20 years younger in this regard. As guys we tend to shy away from “that area”, but like the rest of the body, you owe it to yourself to keep it functioning properly. This is another great tool to utilize.
Jeremy R
I suffer with some low back discomfort daily. When I would get up in the morning my back would be stiff and sore as well as later in the day it would also tighten up. What I found by using the ball for 3 minutes every night was that the morning stiffness was nearly gone. In addition I also fell asleep very quickly and slept well through out the night. Three minutes on the ball every night before I go to bed is so worth it.
Jeff S

The Science: How does the Gooch Ball work?​

You can sit on your ball when you are sitting in a chair, you can sit on your ball on the floor, you can sit on your ball anywhere, really, and all it takes it 3 minutes of your time.

It is easy! All you have to do is sit on the ball for 3 minutes a day. ​


Did you know that the secret to creating healthy pelvic floor muscles is………blood flow!!!. When you sit and stand with poor posture, you are asking the muscles of your pelvic floor to work hard just to keep you upright!! This poor posture will then impact circulation and blood flow to the muscles of your pelvic floor.

By sitting on the ball for 3 minutes a day, we are creating a release in the soft tissue of our body, this soft tissue is known as fascia.  When fascia is tight, it sticks to our muscles and surrounds each fibre of muscle and essentially ‘suffocates’ those fibres, leading to dysfunction. It is like not watering a plant, eventually that plant is not going to live – very same concept.

Your 3 minute a day commitment will begin a process that encourages blood flow to the area, essentially ‘waking up’ the muscles and nerves and the first step of being more aware and less disconnected from our body is the goal.

To fast track the improvements in your body, all you need to do is add basic diaphragmatic breathing.  Completely inhaling through your nose and exhaling out of your mouth you will start to organize your breath which actually is what will start to help you strengthen your pelvic floor while the ball is encouraging a release.  It is the perfect storm – a healthy muscle needs to know how to work when necessary and how to rest. The release the ball creates (rest) and the work the diaphragmatic breathing creates (work) is exactly what you need to build strength in your pelvic floor.

Join 1000's Who Are Experiencing These Results...

Now that I am being consistent on the Gooch Ball and breathing properly, thighs have improved, my core feels stronger and I have improvements with fully emptying my bladder when I urinating, I can tell when I have not done it for a few days and mentally remind myself to get back on it.... I also us my Gooch Ball ball for shoulder and hip releases, and this works great too!
Brian Y
Being on my Gooch Ball also provides me with a few moments of self-reflection. The ball helps focus the mind on the core of your body as well as a mini check-up on what’s happening with the rest of my body. Some people like to meditate. For me, 5 minutes on the Gooch Ball, followed by a moment of feeling the effects of the Gooch Ball, is a reminder to slow down and breathe.
Paul R



You are fully protected by my

30 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

I am backing up your purchase of the Gooch Ball with a 100% Money Back Guarantee, because I KNOW it will work for you.  However you have to do your part in spending just 3 minutes a day following the positions and guidelines I will provide you in your bonus videos and posters.

Your Gooch Ball Bundle Includes:


Jana Danielson
Inventor: Cooch & Gooch Balls
Founder: Lead Pilates & Lead Integrated Health Therapies
Founder: Metta District Online Studio